Exams and Assessments

Academic Progress

A child’s academic progress from Stds. I and above is continuously evaluated through:

  • Two end of term examinations: The first in October/November and the second in March/April.
  • Three Unit tests: The first in July, the second in August/September and the third in January/February.
  • An objective test in every subject towards the end of each term.

Please note that the above tests and Examinations cannot be post-poned or set ahead of time for any reason whatsoever.


The overall performance of a child for the entire year is based on the average of the sum total of both the terminal examinations and the three unit tests. In case a child is absent due to unavoidable circumstances for a test/examination, the average marks will be computed based on tests/examination for which the child was present. This will be shown as the final overall results.

The progress of pre-primary children is regularly assessed and the assessment is given to the parents once in two months.

Non-Academic report

Co-curricular activities and sports as well as the health check report will be compiled by the School, and preseved in each child’s individual file. A copy of the medical report will be given to the parents for follow up action.


Automatic promotion granted upto Std. VIII as per the Maharashtra Govt. Resolution under the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act 2009.