Vidya Pratishthan is a prestigious educational Institution and has done noble service in tackling a Herculean task. How the Institution has outshone itself is, mentioned in this historical overview.
Vidya Pratishthan was established on 16th October 1972. The Hon.Shri. Sharadrao Pawar thought of and planned for a well equipped modern English Medium School at Baramati, with the help of the Government and notable citizens. He was of the view that if the students from the rural areas have to prove themselves then they must be educated in English. He felt that the students are intelligent well conversant in their subject matter but cannot express themselves in competitive examinations due to the lack of proficiency in English. He discussed the matter with several prominent citizens from in and around Baramati. The first meeting took place at the Late. Shri. Vinodkumar Gujar’s house at Kacheri Road, Mr.Vinodkumar Gujar was the then President of Baramati Municipal Council. A few well known citizens were also present for that meeting and they univocally approved the idea. The mother institute was to be named “Vidya Pratishthan” and a trust was to be formed.